2018 Mar 27 未分類
摘要:《你才女巫,你全家都女巫》、《加百列的東非七十天》、《這條路的名字叫希望》三部備受坎城影展矚目的影壇黑馬,描寫截然不同的非洲光影。嶄新的異域懷想,這個四月由佳映娛樂 Joint Entertainment用電影為各位影癡們呈現。

你才女巫,你全家都女巫 I Am Not a Witch

Zambian-born Welsh director Rungano Nyoni is set to make her mark on British cinema with her groundbreaking first feature I Am Not a Witch. Sharply satirical and boldly provocative, the film garnered incredible praise from audiences and critics alike at the Cannes 2017 Directors’ Fortnight.
When eight-year-old Shula turns up alone and unannounced in a rural Zambian village, the locals are suspicious. A minor incident escalates to a full-blown witch trial, where she is found guilty and sentenced to life on a state-run witch camp. There, she is tethered to a long white ribbon and told that if she ever tries to run away, she will be transformed into a goat. As the days pass, Shula begins to settle into her new community, but a threat looms on the horizon. Soon she is forced to make a difficult decision – whether to resign herself to life on the camp, or take a risk for freedom.
At times moving, often funny and occasionally surreal, I Am Not a Witch offers spellbinding storytelling with flashes of anarchic humour. Audacious and unforgettable, it showcases Rungano Nyoni as a fresh and fearless new voice in British film.
重點資訊:4月27日上映/ 劇情片/ 93分鐘/ 上映戲院:台北光點台北電影館、台北誠品電影院、台中萬代福影城、台南真善美劇院、高雄 in89駁二電影院
加百列的東非七十天 Gabriel and the Mountain

Before entering a prestigious American university, Gabriel Buchmann decided to travel the world for one year, his backpack full of dreams. After ten months on the road, he arrived in Kenya determined to discover the African continent. Until he reached the top of Mount Mulanje, Malawi, his last destination.
重點資訊:4月27日上映/ 劇情片/ 131分鐘/ 上映戲院:台北光點台北電影館、台北喜樂時代影城、台中萬代福影城、台南真善美劇院、高雄 in89駁二電影院
這條路的名字叫希望 MAKALA

In Congo, a young peasant dreams of a better future for his loved ones. His only wealth lies in the strength of his arms, the bushland around him and his strong will. Set out on dangerous and exhausting roads in order to trade the fruit of his work, he discovers the value of his effort and the price to pay for his dreams.
重點資訊:4月27日上映/ 紀錄片/ 96分鐘/ 上映戲院:台北光點台北電影館、台中萬代福影城、台南真善美劇院、高雄 in89駁二電影院
封面照片、電影介紹及電影海報皆取得 佳映娛樂 Joint Entertainment 授權,未經允許請勿擅自下載另作它途。